“A baby name reading with [Em] is a specific form of flattery.” VOGUE

‘What Does My Baby’s Name Say About Me?” This TikToker Has an Idea by Sarah Spellings


Hi, I’m Em of @emdoodlesandstuff and I do influencer baby name predictions and baby name consultations! I am a media commentator with an intense (very intense) fascination for contemporary baby name culture, Instagram influencers, and the often intersection of the two at Mormon mommy bloggers and more. With a background in the visual arts (hence the doodles), now I work as a baby name consultant (wild, right?) and yes I have gotten baby name predictions correct!


  • I’m thrilled! Click HERE to submit an inquiry!

  • Absotootley! CLICK HERE to submit an inquiry, just select “prediction” instead. I cannot make a video for every influencer/celebrity that is requested by fans; submitting an inquiry is the only way to guarantee a video!

  • Oh yes. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve done and always eager to expand my horizons! Just submit an inquiry HERE but adapt your answers to the subject at hand.

    Baby names

    Completely hypothetical not-actually-pregnant-or-even-in-a-relationship baby names

    Transgender name changes

    Last names

    Miscarried baby names

    Stage names

    Business names

    Pet names

    Plant names (yes! the leafy green things)

  • I can work with that! Some clients will submit a curated Pinterest board of “vibes” (pictures of anything under the sun that you jive with). Others have directly sent me a handful of photos (I do want to see your face!) during our email exchange. I feel confident that I can provide consultation even without social media as part of the equation!

  • Yep, CLICK HERE! I’m awaiting your praise and adoration.